Tears and joys of a new farmer on a new farm with people relying on us for their local food! So much to grow in a 20 week season!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Will work for food?
I wonder if anyone would be willing to work for their share?
Maybe 4 or 5 hours one morning a week in exchange for their share of produce? Maybe someone who could not otherwise afford the share? Maybe someone like a stay at home mom?
Someone who wants to really know their food and their farmer?
Patrick, Elliot and I are now "officially" interested in doing this. Sundays are best for us, but let us know when the time comes and we can work out scheduling, if you still plan on needing helpers.
I am only on the waiting list, but I'd give it a try.
Sign me up! I'd love to.
I would love too, but I work during the week.
I'd love to as well. I've recently found the inspiration to be closer to our land and could use more education/experience.
Patrick, Elliot and I are now "officially" interested in doing this. Sundays are best for us, but let us know when the time comes and we can work out scheduling, if you still plan on needing helpers.
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