Sunday, October 14, 2007

Kale day...

We think we have a pretty nice share for members this week, given how late it is in the season, but alas, our tomatoes are almost done and our summer squash is gone. Soon snow will blow and we will wonder where summer went! (This week's Sunday share below. 1 butternut squash, 1 acorn, a handfull of hot peppers, 3 small sweet banana peppers, 1pound plus a handful of green beans, 8 apples, 8 lemon tomatoes, 3 or 4 small heirloom eggplant. and the kale.)

In the meantime we have LOTS of kale for people. Today we only gave 1-1/2 pounds (which takes up about half a grocery bag, but we will have it available until the end our season in a couple weeks, and lots of it!

I hate it that often my favorite veggies are the most misunderstood, among them Kale. Which is not your mother's greens! It has 100 and one possible uses and to help you find them here are some links to great Kale recipes on line (look in your newsletter for others!),1977,FOOD_9936_30572,00.html,,FOOD_9936_35502,00.html,,FOOD_9936_31266,00.html
Kale wraps!,1801,HGTV_3193_2857148,00.html

or Kale chips!?! -

There! Now everyone should be able to find SOMETHING to do with their kale! Good luck and let us know how your kale experiments went!

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