Monday, June 23, 2008

Only a little hail...

I have to say I feel blessed this morning. The weekend came and went fast, and my poor hubby was left pretty much alone to do the farm chores (that is what farm chores that could be done with the rain!) I spent time at the hospital with a family member (who is doing better and came home Sunday.)

I did make it the Junior Ranger program on Saturday but it was a close thing! The program started at 1:30 and I left the hospital at 12:00 for the 30 minute drive home, but there was a bicycle race going on and (I am only exaggerating a little) EVERY road between my house and the hospital was blocked by this race which spaghettied it's way through Akron! But we made it and had a great program (with all girls.) I will be posting about that later.

About an hour after they left it started raining. And we had a nice storm with heavy winds that took down some branches and only a little hail. Some areas around us had a lot, so we were pretty lucky. It rained some more on Sunday, so we were not able to get in the last of our transplants (if you plant them in heavy mud they can have problems establishing roots!)

We also enjoyed a nice meal (planned for a month) with friends. We went to Fire and, as always, had an amazing meal. Thanks Doug!

With the rain and things we are a little behind, but that is the way of things around here it seems. We still have plenty of time to get good growth off our plants. And in the mean time tomatoes, peppers, green beans, and squash plants all have the first of their flowers! We are still pulling flowers off the tomatoes and peppers, as the plants are still a bit small to try to make fruit, but it is looking like we will have a good year, as long as the weather gods stay on our side...

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