Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Update on the PD article

A friend contacted them about us and they said we had not answered our phone when they tried to call us. We do not have an answering machine on our home phone as we always use our cells, and recently between our jobs and farm chores are seldom inside the house during daylight, unless it is raining! Most people contact us on email, or else our cells. I'm not sure where they would have gotten our home phone as we do not list it anywhere. If they contacted the Cuyahoga Conservancy the number they have for us are our cells, and that is what they always give people... No one attempted to contact us by email.

In any case that was not the only error/omission in the article. Poor Crown Point! If anyone is wondering they do NOT require members to work 30 hours a week! They do offer a working share where members receive a discount in exchange for working on the farm some during the season, but it is not 30 hours a week!

Thanks to everyone for their support of our farm.

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